
Meet Future Homeowner: Lai

Lai is a proud mother of five who is excited to become a first-time homeowner with Habitat for Humanity. Lai and her family are originally from Vietnam, but she has called Denver home for the past 29 years. Having lived in many parts of the metro area, Lai and her two youngest sons (ages 12 and 16) are currently sharing a Denver rental that’s part of an affordable housing program.

Lai has appreciated the affordability and space that her current rental provides, but one major downside is that children are required to move out when they turn 18 years old. For Lai, this means that her middle son (age 21) was forced to leave the rest of the family a few years ago and is currently living with his “auntie” in Denver.

“I want to bring my son back home so that we can all live together,” Lai shares.

Lai didn’t even consider trying to purchase a home on the open market due to Denver’s expensive housing. But this year felt like the right time to try and find a more flexible housing solution so that their family can be back together. Lai works full time—sometimes six days per week—as a cook at a Saigon restaurant. She’s worked there for eight years and although she had to go down to part time during the pandemic, her hours are now back up to a full schedule.

Lai spends one day per week on the Habitat construction site to help build her future home. She enjoys seeing the progress each week and is excited to live in this new home and neighborhood. But most of all, she’s excited to provide a stable home for her sons where they can all live together again.

“The future for my kids is the most important. They know that they will always have a place to live,” Lai shares.

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