Denver: Join Us in Voting Yes on 2O
By Heather Lafferty and Stefka Fanchi This April 4th, if Denver voters say vote yes on Ballot Measure 2O, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver and Elevation
In the depths of winter, over 1300 incredible volunteers have helped our staff and partner families continue building homes and hope. Together, we’ve worked on 21 homes at three primary construction sites: Sheridan Square, College View, and Galapago Townhomes. To every individual who bundled up, worked hard, and helped us keep building, we say: Thank YOU! Winter Warriors Rock!
Though we have been lucky to have many sunny days outside, our intrepid Winter Warriors have faced an accumulated total of 13 inches of snow this season – and winter’s not over yet!
To warm up, our College Fun Friday Warriors have enjoyed over 125 breakfast burritos. Building with friends and coworkers, 111 volunteer groups came out to work with us. The single day with the most construction volunteers was our free t-shirt Thursday in January, with over 80 volunteers!
Working outside through the winter is crucial for our partner families to be able to move into their homes and begin building their own brighter futures. This winter has been especially busy for our construction team and every helping hand makes a big difference!