
Our Homes are Everything

Now more than ever, our homes are everything!

Many of us are blessed to have safe and stable homes in which to shelter in place. And it’s become abundantly clear that our homes represent so much more than just shelter.  Our homes are our restaurants, our classrooms, our movie theaters, our gyms… and so much more. Our homes are everything.

Unfortunately, far too many families in our community do not have safe and stable places to live. These families are enduring conditions like overcrowding, unhealthy living environments with mold and allergens, and expensive rent payments that consume far too much of their monthly budgets.

Building and preserving safe, stable, and affordable housing has never been more important.

Right now, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver’s efforts are focused on supporting families in two important ways through our Emergency Housing Stability Fund:

Building new, affordable homes.  We are committed to supporting as many families as possible through our homeownership program.
Preserving affordable homeownership. No one should lose their home because of the pandemic. Your gift helps us do everything we can to support homeowners as they face lost jobs and illness.
Every donation right now makes a big difference for families who are struggling.  If you are in a position to make a gift during this time, I ask that you donate to Habitat Metro Denver’s Emergency Housing Stability Fund.

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