
Meet Family Services Core Volunteer Roz

“One of my life goals is to be of service and I cannot think of a more meaningful, hands on way, to meet this commitment than through Habitat for Humanity.”

It’s time to salute Roz, our hardworking Family Services Core Volunteer who works 3-4 hours each week to make sure that every Habitat Metro Denver partner family feels excited, prepared, and informed about the homeownership process. Before joining Habitat’s Core Volunteer team, Roz was very involved with the organization by helping start the Las Animas County Habitat affiliate, serving on the Board of Directors for the Lexington, KY Habitat affiliate, as well as serving on the Habitat Colorado’s Board of Directors.

“I volunteer with Habitat Denver because I truly believe that partnering in homeownership is life changing for every family.” Roz continues, “Helping families through the application process and supporting them through the early stages of home ownership is beyond meaningful for me and, hopefully, for the families as well.”

Not only does Roz volunteer with the family selection and support process, back in the day she used to wield hammers, pull wires, paint, and sweep up on the construction site. “At this time in my life, I am mostly comfortable with the administrative needs and simply adore working with families,” shares Roz

“When Habitat was founded, one of the original missions was to provide an opportunity to develop relationships with a widely diverse population.” Roz continues,” I have been blessed to have known (and continue to know) families that have enriched my life in incredible ways.”

No matter your skill set, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer there is a place for you here at Habitat. “There is something available for absolutely anyone, like opportunities in construction, retail sales, fundraising, family support, as well as working in the office, and more,” shares Roz.

“I am a Habitat Volunteer because I am passionate about doing anything I can to support and enrich the lives of my brothers and sisters on this planet.”