other ways to give

Donor-Advised fund, IRA or Stock

Explore the options to support Habitat directly through your donor-advised fund, IRA, or stock investments.

Donor-Advised Fund

Giving to Habitat Metro Denver through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF):

If you have established a DAF, you can recommend a grant (or recurring grants) to Habitat Metro Denver to make an immediate impact. Share these details with your account administrator:

Designation: Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
Tax ID#: 74-2050021

You may also wish to name Habitat Metro Denver as a beneficiary of your DAF to create a lasting legacy. Contact your DAF administrator for a beneficiary form.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are at least 70½ years old, you may be eligible to make a gift of up to $100,000 each year to Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver directly from your IRA. An IRA Charitable Rollover allows you to make a gift to satisfy part or all of your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA, and exclude part or all of the distribution from your taxable gross income, thereby reducing your tax liability. RMD age requirements have changed recently, please consult your tax adviser. 

Share these details with your IRA account administrator:

Designation: Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
Tax ID#: 74-2050021

For IRA contributions: Please make sure your IRA account administrator adds your name to the donation paperwork for tracking purposes.

Stock Gifts

The IRS allows a charitable tax deduction for the full market value of the appreciated security.

To make a gift of stock and ensure your contribution is properly credited, please contact our Development Associate at 720-515-6956 or before you contact your broker to inform us that you plan to make a gift of stock.

Provide the following stock gift instructions to your broker or financial advisor.

Designation: Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
Tax ID: 74-2050021
Broker: Charles Schwab
DTC: # 0164
Account Number: 83162928

Need Help from Schwab?: Call 877-742-9488

Thank you for your generosity!

For more information, please contact our Senior Director of Leadership Giving at 720-380-1720.